Who we are
Bureau Lara consists of:
Carin Cuypers MSc MSc.
Studied Dutch law at the Rijksuniversiteit Limburg and Governance science at the Open Universiteit Nederland. Beside these studies, she studied a lot of courses at the Open Universiteit Nederland, mainly in the fields of management sciences and economy.
Raymond Opdenakker Ph.D.
Studied Human Resource Management at the Hogeschool Sittard (now Hogeschool Zuyd) and work- and organisationpsychology at the Open Universiteit Nederland. Beside these studies he studied courses in the field of management sciences at the Open Universiteit Nederland. From 2000 till 2004 he was an assistant professor at the Open Universiteit Nederland. First at the faculty of psychology and then at the faculty of management sciences. Here, he developed and/or teached the courses managementcoaching, strategy in organisations, methods of management research and cultures in organisations. He graduated in 2012 from Eindhoven Technical University on the thesis: “The strategic momentum in virtual R & D project teams, a complement to management”. Competences of Bureau Lara are: trustworthy, eager to learn, sharp analytical capacity, creative, innovative, accurate and enthusiastic.