
The Human resources in organisations are the most important ‘capital’ of the organisation. This role will become more important in the future. Bureau Lara has a lot of expertise in the field of Human Resource Management. Therefore, we can give advice or conduct research in the fields which are as follows:

  • Human Resource Controlling
    With the help of numerical data , developments in the field of Human Resource, but also the added value of the HR-department, can be made more visible.
  • Implementation of telework
    The role of working in a more flexible way (i.e. teleworking) will increase in the future. Not only, because it comes up to the wishes of a new generation of employees, but also – keeping in mind the shortages concerning the labour force – to open up new groups of potential employees. With potential employees one can think about people who live very far away from your company, or partly disabled people, or people with small children who want to work from their home.
  • Implementing and sustaining virtual teams
    With the help of the Virtual Momentum Manager ©, an effective functioning virtual team can be started and sustained.
  • The diagnose of cultures in organisations
    With the help of a diversity of instruments the actual and wished culture of Your organisation can be made visible. Also, a path can be developed to come from the actual culture in the organisation to the wished culture in the organisation.